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1023 ez filing fee Form: What You Should Know

You can use the IRS website for more information including the application form and additional forms required to be filed. How Much Does Form 1023-EZ Cost to File? Form 1023-EZ is an application fee that can be paid for by all or a portion of the nonprofit's gross receipts in a tax year. The IRS has issued Form 1023-EZ for many years. It will be effective for taxable years beginning on or after December 31, 2022. The IRS Form 1023-EZ is a federal tax exemption application that can be filed on behalf of a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. To qualify through this alternative application process, a non-profit must meet all the following requirements: a. The organization's purposes and activities for the tax year are not exclusively engaged in providing the primary benefit of the nonprofit's activities, but do include providing some secondary benefit. b. The organization meets the general organization requirements established under section 170(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. c. In general, the organization does not operate for profit, but the organization is not organized as a corporation pursuant to §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and it maintains a bona fide independent board of directors or members. d. The organization employs no more than 50 volunteers. If no volunteers are employed in the organization's main office, the organization must have an office or functions in the United States. e. The organization has not made an election under section 509A or 509B of the Internal Revenue Code; and it does not qualify for an exemption because of a temporary suspension of tax exemption under section 501(c)(7). f. The organization does not conduct any taxable activities or engage in commercial activity. g. The organization's gross receipts for the tax year (including amounts recognized as income by the organization by reason of section 512(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code) do not exceed 200,000. What kind of financial information does a nonprofit organization need to be ready for Form 1023 applications? Form 1023-EZ requires the following information from the applicant: a. An organizational history for the organization beginning with the IRS filing date and including a description of the organization's activities for the last 9 tax years (the prior tax year) which are not subject to audit for any reason. b.

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  9. Deliver the particular prepared document by way of electronic mail or facsimile, art print it out or perhaps reduce the gadget.

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